Dr Kathryne Rupley

dr kathryn rupleyMy name is Kathryne Rupley and I am originally from San Antonio, Texas. Yes, I am a transplant from Texas and I pronounce my words like George W. Bush, aka. Nuclear. I have been in California for twenty-seven years. The Central Valley has been home to my family for the last twenty-one years. I have enjoyed living in this unique big city town and have come to appreciate agriculture in a deeper connection. 

I knew I wanted to be a physician at the early age of fifteen because I had a life-threatening illness. It was men and women showing up to work, dedicated to humans, and a hospital system that was organized that saved my life. It was inspirational, to say the least. 

I was the first person in my family to graduate from college. In fact, most of my neighborhood friends and family did not aspire to attend college nor did they expect me to either. But, I had a yearning to help people walk. I wanted to know what was stopping them from performing our most basic function in life. I was very much interested in human locomotion, which I later discovered was called “Biomechanics”.

Some days you feel like synchronicity is too uncanny. While in college, my jogging partner could not run due to heel pain. I blame her cheap pair of sneakers. She limped and hobbled for weeks with a cane. We were both aerobics instructors so this was bad for business. Finally, she called me up to go jogging. I said, “Wait a minute! How? Aren’t you injured?” She said, “I’m cured. I saw a podiatrist. You should be one of those.”

Since I was pre-med at Baylor University, and I had never heard of a podiatrist, I told her I had to pay a visit to the pre-med office. I went the next day. When I walked through the doors, the secretary asked, “Are you here for the podiatry meeting?” I was dumbfounded and shocked. I thought my friend was pranking me. Or at least John Quiñones had a hidden camera. But, the secretary handed me a packet, “Go on in. Take a seat in the conference room. She’s going to start in about twenty minutes.” And the rest is history. I got accepted into all the podiatry schools and two offered me scholarships. My future was bright and I was on my way to my dream job.

I decided to attend the California College of Podiatric Medicine which was in San Francisco near Japantown off of Geary Street. Best decision ever because of its location and faculty. I was able to stay in California for my residency and attended VA Loma Linda for my surgical training. It happened to be one of the best programs at the time and my director confided that I was “one of the best residents ever”. 

I moved to Fresno, California, because I married my classmate Anoosh Moadab. We have three beautiful daughters. We practiced together at All Valley Podiatric Group until last year (2023) when I filed for a divorce. I was employed temporarily at Canyon Oaks for the next six months. I will be forever indebted to Dr. Derrick Florek for his hospitality and kindness in hosting me and my patients for that brief time.

Once my divorce was finalized, I came to the conclusion that opening my own clinic would be best for myself and my patient population. So, I opened Toe-Tally Awesome Feet in late December with an official opening on January 1st, 2024. This has been a gift from God, and I hope you feel it is a gift from me to serve you and your foot health needs. There were many challenges in opening a new clinic during this post-pandemic economy but his divine intervention was surreal. I hope you get the chance to schedule and see for yourself all the services we can provide at our new location. Please treat your feet well and remember they’re Toe-Tally Awesome!